Stories from IF:Gathering
We asked and so many of you told us your IF:Gathering story. Today we wanted to share just a handful of statements from women who experienced God in powerful ways. If you haven’t shared about your IF:Gathering experience and would like to, you can tell us your IF story here.
My very good friend was able to relinquish so much shame and bitterness. She was loved and not judged as she shared her most painful secret to a room of girls she didn’t know. Jesus was there and He intentionally placed all of us together. – Alison
“A girl who struggles with panic attack and a fear of crowds stood up voluntarily after Christine’s talk and identified all the facts that defined her. It took so much courage for her to do it.”
The most meaningful part of IF:Gathering was that God delivered me from fear. It was a sin that I had laid down at the cross before, but somewhere in the last eight months, I had picked it back up. So I put it back down again and now I am free! – Rebekah
The most meaningful time has been following the event! We have been in touch sharing how anxiety issues are improving for one of us, how God literally showed up to heal one of us, how God is leading each of us to take action for Him. – Kim
We had several that confessed some big fears/ things that were holding them back. We prayed over them, cried and laughed together. We were truly inspired by the speakers. – Karin
God has been pursuing healing for me in the last several months. I say that because I thought I had all the healing I was going to get. Christine Caine telling us that the facts say one thing but the TRUTH of God’s word is what we need to look at wrecked me. I know all of the facts. I have a degree in psychology, I am a ministers wife, and have been in ministry for years so I know what happens to people with backgrounds like mine. To hear from woman after woman on stage that God wants every part of our hearts and He desires for us to be free not just delivered but FREE, WOW! So I shared my story in it’s entirety this weekend. I told the truth and was accepted and told that I am still loved. Now I can’t read enough scripture and I am ready to be a free person who frees other people. – Ondrea
We were able to share our hearts. God really opened my eyes to how I need to be authentic and allow God’s healing to take place in my life. I have been grieving the death of my son and for the first time in two years, felt so close to God. – Bobbi
The breakout session questions were intense. We dove right in. We “went there” with each other. Masks were removed. Truth was spoken. Confessions were made. Oh, the tears. It was refreshing and hard and life giving. – Holly
Myself and 4 of my dearest girlfriends all meet up to watch IF. We live in 3 different places so we came together to experience this together. Though we all grew up in the church 2 of them have now chosen different paths, yet, they came. The beauty of the honesty and openness that IF allowed each of us to share and experience was something I haven’t seen before. Truly a special time and I’m so thankful for all the truth that was preached. – Emily
The most meaningful time was when we prayed together and confessed sin. It was amazing. I have never been that open and honest with someone that I have only known for a month, but we are forever bonded because of this journey. – Dani
One of our long term members shared her testimony of brokenness and redemption for the first time ever in place of the first discussion time. This act of faith an bravery opened the doors for further transparency, brokenness, and crying out for God. – Judy
Being led through prayer & communion by you guys was transformative, a real breaking point for all of us. It was like the sky was brass one minute, and then next? Heaven came down. – Kristen
One of our young ladies brought a friend that she had been praying for for two years. During the dinner break the friend accepted Christ. They cried. The waiter brought them tissues, the manager brought them soup… And Jesus brought eternity. – Julie
At 4:00 am on Sunday morning when several of us were repenting and bawling and getting all the ugly out. Lives were changed and hearts broken for God. It was the most holy spirit filled moment of my life. – Kristen
What happens when I follow God’s call to gather with thousands of women to hear HIS voice? Repentance, renewal of calling, laughter, tears, worship and wonder. What an amazing experience the whole conference was! Praise the Lord! – Brandy
One of our “older” ladies came. She was hesitant, but came. LOVED IT! Went back to her Sunday School class, all women over 60, and told them them they missed out and are needed. Most responded “yes” and are reaching out to the rest of us! – Robin
Even though we did not know each other before the IF Gathering and we come from different backgrounds with different ideas of what it means to experience the Lord, we ALL experienced Him in some way during the weekend. It was powerful! – Kristen
For me, there was a moment when I visualized the children and grandchildren represented by my group of friends. It was overwhelming to realize the effect we have on generations coming after us. – Jeannie
The honesty and brokenness of the sharing times. Toward the end, the entire group came together to share how we can support each others’ ministries and reach across denominations to minister and reach out to our immediate community. – Ann
The theme of unity was very appealing to us as a group of women from different generations. God moving in our unity, and healing amidst misunderstanding about different ways to share God’s love. – Allison
40 women from 4 vastly different denominations met and were challenged to die to life draining lies, seek truth, and find their stride in this race. – Jessica
We gathered 30 women in Plain City Ohio that represented at least 10 different area churches and even non-churched women. We had young women from a local college and older women sitting at the same tables. We had the conservative mixed with the progressive. It was a beautiful weekend of sharing our common love of Jesus and our hard places. Our ears leaned in close and our voices were heard. The encouragement of our sisters was a great gift that we hope to unwrap many times over. – Yvette
During the prayer time God was clearly showing me pictures of women I’ve been inviting over/getting to know from my son’s school, confirming this thing that makes my heart race is Significant, even if it seems “small.” I know God has me here for this. – Meagan
There are no words to say what I experienced last weekend. The only thing I know is that I discovered my purpose. Which is to gather, gather with me every single woman who I come into contact with and bring them to throne of Jesus. – Megan
IF: Costa Rica was an incredible experience of sisters in christ taking risks together, being feet washers, and loving intimately. I have not felt that much love from the family of god in a long time. – Colleen