It’s not too late to pray…
We are seven days away from IF: Pray 2015.
Seven days from coming together and seeking the Lord.
Seven days from getting on our knees and asking Him to move.
We’ve said it from the start: so much of the heart of IF is seeking the LORD. Not programs or decorations or schedules. It’s the beautiful moments when we cast our cares before Him and quiet our hearts.
We will be live-streaming our event on Monday starting at 8PM EST and you’re more than welcome to gather in your places and join us. But don’t think you have to stream it to participate. In fact, one IF: Local Leader, Allison Phillips hosted on her own last year without the livestream.
“For some reason,” she said, “I was nervous about not having the livestream to lead us through the evening. I knew that I could turn it on, but I also felt that, without it, we could have a prayer time that was much more personal to our people and our community. It was a powerful evening of prayer, and we felt The LORD so near us. We also used YouTube videos and had a time of worship. Who would have thought that you could be so moved worshiping in a living room with YouTube videos?? But, we definitely were. I truly believe that He will join you there whether you use the livestream or not.”
So what do you need to do if you want to hop on-board with IF: Pray? This is it:
1. Check out our Leader’s Guide to get the gist of how the night will go.
2. Download our four Calls to Prayer
3. Join us via livestream starting at 8:00 PM Eastern (or later – the livestream will be up all night). You can find the livestream at
Looking for more IF:Pray resources? Check out our tumblr.
Don’t have time to grab friends to have your own IF:Pray? There are more than 400 happening already. See if there is one in your local area:
We cannot wait to see how God moves in and through us to bring restoration to our cities.